Excellent thread as others have stated. Anyone else think they're rushing organizational changes through so that a new OD book can be released later this year - at the Annual Meeting? If so, any other changes will have to come soon as I would imagine the lead in time for printing would need planning.
Saltheart Foamfollower
JoinedPosts by Saltheart Foamfollower
Will firing the DOs be the first step to a new Watchtower?
by Juan Viejo2 inagainst my better judgement, i've decided to share the following as a response to guy pierce passing and the announcement of the elimination of district overseers later this year.. late in january (2014) i got an email from one of my contacts (a fader) who served at bethel for several years, but is no longer at wt hq.
he still has a lot of close contacts within the service department and in other departments at patterson and knows people in all of the ny offices.
i kept this email set aside on a flash drive and haven't shared it with anyone - figuring i'd publish an article about it later this year when i had more time to do it right.
Get ready for phone calls from Elders either this week or when the next CO visit happens.
by EndofMysteries ini got a call the other day, it looks like the gb is telling everyone to contact all inactive ones, let them know they are missed, etc, and to do it within a week.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Just to say that some of us elders who know TTATT do care for inactive ones by leaving them alone to get on with their lives. I used to be secretary a while ago and would regularly "lose" record cards for inactive ones who I thought were trying to escape - amazing how quickly they are totally forgotten about.
The (not so) pure one
Confusion of languages to stop man.......
by tresdecu incurious why god confused the languages back in nimrods day for all that they might accomplish working together...building "tall" buildings etc.... i mean have you seen some of the sky scrapers these days?!?
why does't he fracture spoken language some more to stop all this fricken technology.. and now with google translate anyone can talk to anyone ;-).
Saltheart Foamfollower
Pretty obvious really Phizzy - he was talking to the early Governing Body.
The (not so) pure one
Our Kingdom ministry March 2013 Question
by RobertT18 inis it true that the march ministry is hinting that this year will be the last memorial, someone just said that today in the service, just wanted to confirm.. .
edit: forgot to add the month..
Saltheart Foamfollower
Phizzy - yes, Dec 2013 KM said that the 2015 Memorial will be on Friday April 3rd 2015, so they obviously think it'll happen.
the (not so) pure one
New UK Bethel location
by Saltheart Foamfollower innot seen this mentioned yet - a letter was read out saying that the uk bethel is probably moving to west hanningfield near chelmsford, essex depending on all of the legal matters going through.
the letter also said not to visit the site as it would annoy nearby businesses.
no more mention yet of begging for funds.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Not seen this mentioned yet - a letter was read out saying that the UK Bethel is probably moving to West Hanningfield near Chelmsford, Essex depending on all of the legal matters going through. Anyone near there? The letter also said not to visit the site as it would annoy nearby businesses. No more mention yet of begging for funds. Sorry, of course I meant informing the brothers of the financial situation.
The (not so) pure one
BOE letter: New lights new changes
by pixel inre: adjustments to draw close to jehovah.
dear brothers:.
some changes involving our understanding of the meaning of gods name and what it re p- resents have been made to the first chapter of draw close to jehovah.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Interestingly, this time sensitive letter hasn't been released in the UK yet, so it'll be next week before it is read out at the earliest!
The (not so) pure one
Saltheart Foamfollower
As an elder, I don't feel remotely equal to most of the posters here - I reckon I only get by because of the wisdom from many of their posts. I aspire to be equal to them - especially ones like Blondie whose posts I have valued over the years when I was just lurking.
The (not so) pure one
Saltheart Foamfollower
I'm another one currently "serving" as an elder, though doing my own thing as much as I can get away with without being caught.
The (not so) pure one
Who is the FDS class from midweek meeting....last night
by Legacy inlast night we had our midweek meeting.
the bible reading was from "who is doing jehovah's will....the part where they asked who was the fds.
i thought because of the past sept. wt, every hand would go up....all you heard were crickets.
Saltheart Foamfollower
I conducted the study this week and took delight in referring to FDS as a class - printed copies still call it that, but the word class has been removed from the online version. It's amazing how quickly out of date a brochure from last year has become - the schools mentioned a couple of weeks ago (and repeated in this weekends WT study) being another example.
The (not so) Pure One
by ADJUSTMENTS inbetween two congregations that i know of four elders have stepped down in the last two months!
there is something really going on in this mandmade organization!
it's busting at the seams!.
Saltheart Foamfollower
I've observed the same thing - elders want to step down because they are sick of all the politics (they don't phrase it like that obviously) and are then "persuaded" to keep going because they are needed. This is probably true because getting younger ones to "reach out" seems to be getting harder.
On a related thought - anyone ever heard of an elder removed for incompetence?
The (not so) pure one